We have developed this page to help our community with common questions and links to various topics on firefighting and fire safety.

How do you become a firefighters?

Postings for all City of London jobs are listed in the current opportunities section within the City of London employment webpages. There you can also learn more about our general recruitment process. For more information visit the City of London website CLICK HERE

Can I have a fire in my backyard?

The City of London allows the use of outdoor fire pits and recreational burning under certain conditions. Outdoor cooking may be conducted between 11:00 am and midnight, provided the fire is no larger than 46 cm long and 46 cm wide and 30 cm high. A cooking fire does not include a barbeque being used to cook food, which is permissible at all times. For more information CLICK HERE to visit the City of London website.

Can I volunteer with the LPFFA?

LPFFA is a labour union that represents the men and women you work for the City Of London, London Fire Department. We currently do not have any volunteer programs for the public. We do promote charity initiatives on our social media and invite anyone to attend and join in such as our toy drives and public events. LIKE, SHARE and FOLLOW us on Facebook for information on upcoming events. CLICK HERE

Where can I get more information on the London Fire Department?

Please visit the City of London, London Fire Department website for more information on the London Fire Department. CLICK HERE